A few people have asked for pictures of some of the animals I mentioned in
an interview I did recently on NPR, about my time living at Clean Slate Animal Rescue, an animal rescue that I founded with a man who was later arrested for animal hoarding. The video clip I have included here is of the Kentucky elementary school where Dave and I set up Clean Slate after moving from Oregon. In this clip, my former partner's eighty-five year old father, Pop, is bringing in Annie the goat for milking. While I was there, we had fourteen goats - three of whom gave milk, which we used to supplement the cat and dog food. Pop was our resident milker, having grown up on a farm. The goats would volley for the best position to get in first, as it meant they would get the first shot at the grain they loved.
Here are a couple of photos, of happier times at the rescue.
This is Donna, a dog whose tragic death was the catalyst for my departure from Clean Slate. She was a funny, quirky little spitfire who was always giving the others hell when she didn't like what they were up to, but I love this photo that Dave took of her, because it captures her in one of those rare moments when she was completely relaxed.
The farm gang back in Oregon, in the fall of 2006. This was during our glory days - the house was orderly, the animals were well fed and in good condition, and Dave, Pop, and I were all in good cheer, working together to keep things running smoothly.
Me in one of the fenced areas out behind the school, with a few of the resident dogs. The area shown was one of three fenced runs outside, and was usually filled with goats and farm animals. When giving the grass a break from hungry mouths, we would release the farm animals in the front yard and let the dogs lounge in the back.
The Kentucky school where Dave and I lived, with Festus the Donkey out front.
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